Lobbyist, dilettante, what else? Book lists! She tracks what she reads every year and posts all of the lists on this admittedly cool page. Ragoût, Esq. is another of her little websites; this one lets you search every bill from every Arizona legislative session since the 90s. onclick.events is a totally client-side tool to generate links and .ics files for cross-platform calendar invitations. ARS Search is a shortcut she made to search state law from her menu bar. Add it to control center and quickly search the Arizona Revised Statutes on your iPhone! ARS URL is a clipboard shortcut that converts strings like ARS 41-1177.03 into a URL to navigate directly to that section of statute. Constitution URL is a shortcut that makes it easy to generate a URL to a given section of the Arizona Constitution. AZ Leg Bill Text… wow more shortcuts, okay! This one, which relies on the free app Actions, accepts a bill number and opens the most up-to-date PDF of the bill text. Blog archive: she also used to keep a blog, but now she doesn’t. This is an archive of some of the better posts.